import asyncio
import json
import logging
import sys
from typing import Union
import aiohttp
import requests
from cachetools import TTLCache
from .errors import Forbidden, NotFoundError, RateLimitError, ServerError, UnexpectedError
from .models import BattleLog, Brawlers, Club, EventRotation, Members, Player, Ranking
from .utils import API, bstag, typecasted
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Client:
"""A sync/async client class that lets you access the Brawl Stars API
token: str
The API Key that you can get from
session: Union[requests.Session, aiohttp.ClientSession], optional
Use a current session or a make new one, by default None
timeout: int, optional
How long to wait in seconds before shutting down requests, by default 30
is_async: bool, optional
Setting this to ``True`` makes the client async, by default False
loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, optional
The event loop to use for asynchronous operations, by default None.
If you are passing in an aiohttp session, using this will not work:
you must set it when initializing the session.
connector: aiohttp.BaseConnector, optional
Pass a Connector into the client (aiohttp), by default None
If you are passing in an aiohttp session, using this will not work:
you must set it when initializing the session.
debug: bool, optional
Whether or not to log info for debugging, by default False
base_url: str, optional
Sets a different base URL to make request to, by default None
REQUEST_LOG = '{method} {url} recieved {text} has returned {status}'
def __init__(self, token, session=None, timeout=30, is_async=False, **options):
# Async options
self.is_async = is_async
self.loop = options.get('loop', asyncio.get_event_loop()) if self.is_async else None
self.connector = options.get('connector')
self.debug = options.get('debug', False)
self.cache = TTLCache(3200 * 3, 60 * 3) # 3200 requests per minute
# Session and request options
self.session = session or (
aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=self.loop, connector=self.connector) if self.is_async else requests.Session()
self.timeout = timeout
self.prevent_ratelimit = options.get('prevent_ratelimit', False)
if self.is_async and self.prevent_ratelimit:
self.lock = asyncio.Lock(loop=self.loop)
self.api = API(base_url=options.get('base_url'), version=1)
# Request/response headers
self.headers = {
'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}',
'User-Agent': f'brawlstats/{self.api.VERSION} (Python {sys.version_info[0]}.{sys.version_info[1]})',
'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip'
# Load brawlers for get_rankings
if self.is_async:
brawlers_info = self.get_brawlers()
async def _ainit(self):
"""Task created to run `get_brawlers` asynchronously"""
self.api.set_brawlers(await self.get_brawlers())
def __repr__(self):
return f'<Client async={self.is_async} timeout={self.timeout} debug={self.debug}>'
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
async def __aenter__(self):
return self
async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
def close(self):
return self.session.close()
def _raise_for_status(self, resp, text):
Checks for invalid error codes returned by the API.
data = json.loads(text)
except json.JSONDecodeError:
data = text
code = getattr(resp, 'status', None) or getattr(resp, 'status_code')
url = resp.url
if self.debug:
log.debug(self.REQUEST_LOG.format(method='GET', url=url, text=text, status=code))
if 300 > code >= 200:
return data
if code == 403:
raise Forbidden(code, url, data['message'])
if code == 404:
raise NotFoundError(code, reason='Resource not found.')
if code == 429:
raise RateLimitError(code, url)
if code == 500:
raise UnexpectedError(code, url, data)
if code == 503:
raise ServerError(code, url)
def _resolve_cache(self, url):
"""Find any cached response for the same requested url."""
data = self.cache.get(url)
if not data:
return None
if self.debug:
log.debug(f'GET {url} got result from cache.')
return data
async def _arequest(self, url, use_cache=True):
"""Async method to request a url."""
# Try and retrieve from cache
if use_cache:
cache = self._resolve_cache(url)
cache = None
if cache is not None:
return cache
async with self.session.get(url, timeout=self.timeout, headers=self.headers) as resp:
data = self._raise_for_status(resp, await resp.text())
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
raise ServerError(503, url)
# Cache the data if successful
self.cache[url] = data
return data
def _request(self, url, use_cache=True):
"""Sync method to request a url."""
if self.is_async:
return self._arequest(url, use_cache=use_cache)
# Try and retrieve from cache
if use_cache:
cache = self._resolve_cache(url)
cache = None
if cache is not None:
return cache
with self.session.get(url, timeout=self.timeout, headers=self.headers) as resp:
data = self._raise_for_status(resp, resp.text)
except requests.Timeout:
raise ServerError(503, url)
# Cache the data if successful
self.cache[url] = data
return data
async def _aget_model(self, url, model, use_cache=True, key=None):
"""Method to turn the response data into a Model class for the async client."""
data = await self._arequest(url, use_cache=use_cache)
return model(self, data)
def _get_model(self, url, model, use_cache=True, key=None):
"""Method to turn the response data into a Model class for the sync client."""
if self.is_async:
# Calls the async function
return self._aget_model(url, model=model, use_cache=use_cache, key=key)
data = self._request(url, use_cache)
return model(self, data)
def get_player(self, tag: bstag, use_cache=True) -> Player:
"""Gets a player's stats.
tag : str
A valid player tag.
Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV
use_cache : bool, optional
Whether to use the internal 3 minutes cache, by default True
A player object with all of its attributes.
url = f'{self.api.PROFILE}/{tag}'
return self._get_model(url, model=Player, use_cache=use_cache)
get_profile = get_player
def get_battle_logs(self, tag: bstag, use_cache=True) -> BattleLog:
"""Gets a player's battle logs.
tag : str
A valid player tag.
Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV
use_cache : bool, optional
Whether to use the internal 3 minutes cache, by default True
A player battle object with all of its attributes.
url = f'{self.api.PROFILE}/{tag}/battlelog'
return self._get_model(url, model=BattleLog, use_cache=use_cache)
def get_club(self, tag: bstag, use_cache=True) -> Club:
"""Gets a club's stats.
tag : str
A valid club tag.
Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV
use_cache : bool, optional
Whether to use the internal 3 minutes cache, by default True
A club object with all of its attributes.
url = f'{self.api.CLUB}/{tag}'
return self._get_model(url, model=Club, use_cache=use_cache)
def get_club_members(self, tag: bstag, use_cache=True) -> Members:
"""Gets the members of a club.
tag : str
A valid club tag.
Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV
use_cache : bool, optional
Whether to use the internal 3 minutes cache, by default True
A list of the members in a club.
url = f'{self.api.CLUB}/{tag}/members'
return self._get_model(url, model=Members, use_cache=use_cache)
def get_rankings(
self, *, ranking: str, region: str=None, limit: int=200,
brawler: Union[str, int]=None, use_cache=True
) -> Ranking:
"""Gets the top count players/clubs/brawlers.
ranking : str
The type of ranking. Must be "players", "clubs", "brawlers".
region : str, optional
The region to retrieve from. Must be a 2 letter country code, 'global', or None: by default None
limit : int, optional
The number of top players or clubs to fetch, by default 200
brawler : Union[str, int], optional
The brawler name or ID, by default None
use_cache : bool, optional
Whether to use the internal 3 minutes cache, by default True
A player or club ranking that contains a list of players or clubs.
The brawler name or ID is invalid.
`rankings` is not "players", "clubs", or "brawlers"
`limit` is not between 1 and 200, inclusive.
if brawler is not None:
if isinstance(brawler, str):
brawler = brawler.lower()
# Replace brawler name with ID
if brawler in self.api.CURRENT_BRAWLERS.keys():
brawler = self.api.CURRENT_BRAWLERS[brawler]
if brawler not in self.api.CURRENT_BRAWLERS.values():
raise ValueError('Invalid brawler.')
if region is None:
region = 'global'
# Check for invalid parameters
if ranking not in ('players', 'clubs', 'brawlers'):
raise ValueError("'ranking' must be 'players', 'clubs' or 'brawlers'.")
if not 0 < limit <= 200:
raise ValueError('Make sure limit is between 1 and 200.')
# Construct URL
url = f'{self.api.RANKINGS}/{region}/{ranking}?limit={limit}'
if ranking == 'brawlers':
url = f'{self.api.RANKINGS}/{region}/{ranking}/{brawler}?limit={limit}'
return self._get_model(url, model=Ranking, use_cache=use_cache)
def get_brawlers(self, use_cache=True) -> Brawlers:
"""Gets available brawlers and information about them.
use_cache : bool, optional
Whether to use the internal 3 minutes cache, by default True
A list of available brawlers and information about them.
return self._get_model(self.api.BRAWLERS, model=Brawlers, use_cache=use_cache)
def get_event_rotation(self, use_cache=True) -> EventRotation:
"""Gets the current events in rotation.
use_cache : bool, optional
Whether to use the internal 3 minutes cache, by default True
A list of the current events in rotation.
return self._get_model(self.api.EVENT_ROTATION, model=EventRotation, use_cache=use_cache)